Following Sustainable Forestry Principles with CCA Poles

Sustainable forestry principles

In the quest for a more sustainable future, the importance of sustainable forestry principles cannot be overstated. With increasing global awareness about the impact of deforestation on our environment, it is essential to find innovative solutions that balance the need for wood products with the preservation of our precious forests. One such solution that has […]

Quality First: Know your Timber

Quality Wood First

Putting quality first is the cornerstone of our commitment as a manufacturer of timber products. We firmly believe that exceptional quality begins long before the wood is cut, treated, or fashioned into the final product. Instead, it all starts with a tiny, humble seedling. To ensure the utmost quality in our timber products, we recognize […]

Macadamia Farming and the Environment: Bee hive and Pollination

Macadamia Farming

Why every Macadamia Farmer needs a beehive and the easiest way to build one Beehive. It’s something most of us know of, and have probably seen once somewhere during our lives. It is also something we don’t really think about when we think about general farming like macadamia farming. But this small box, usually filled […]

Origin of Forestry in Sabie: The forester, the history and more

a forester and the Origin-of-Sabie-Forestry-and-timber-industry

Sabie, Mpumalanga is well known for its picturesque views, holiday vibe, and friendly people. In this week’s post, we will discover more about the first forester and the history of Sabie. Therefore, if you want to know how this area became the hotspot for Forestry in South Africa, you’ve come to the right place. Get […]

Environmental Issues: Deforestation and the conservation of forests


If you live on earth, you are affected by environmental issues like deforestation, air pollution and more. Whether you want to admit it or not, you have a responsibility to take care of the earth. Each year we are adding more and more issues to the list that needs tending. At Sabie Poles, we no […]

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